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Frequently Asked Questions

I am not a licensed veterinarian, therefore, any content you receive from me is for informational purposes only. Any provided information is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medicals problems of your animals. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of information you have received from me.
Will our goat come with paperwork? What will we need to do?Yes, your Kid's parents will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR) and you will receive an application for each Kid. If you are not a member of the MGR you will also have to submit a Breeder Application so that you can register your goats under your farm name. All you have to do is fill in your information on the application and mail in the application along with a check with 2 wallet sized photos of each Kid to MGR. They will process your goat and farm application and mail you back your breeders certificate along with each goats registration certificate. (MGR Website)
Can we name our Kid(s) or do they already have names?Absolutely! You will find a highlighted blank on each goats application unless you already gave me a name to fill in. You can name your goat whatever you would like and it does not matter if someone already used that name because the goat will have your farm name.
What is the lifespan of a healthy goat?A goat can live from anywhere to 15 to 20 years.
Do I need more than one goat?YES! I cannot stress enough that goats are herd animals. Goats do not do well on their own. Make sure that your goat is going to have a friend beside yourself.
How big will my Kid be when full grown?Our goats range more on the mini side. We have adult goats that weigh from 40 to 60lbs. All of our goats back come around knee high (about 2ft tall).
What type of fence do we need?Do not tie your goats out! Your goats will need a fenced in area that they can graze and exercise in during the day. An electric fence or also known as high tinsel works very well for us. Woven wire is another option but using the right wire is key. If you are going the woven wire route you will need to make sure that the squares are small enough that a goat will not get its head/horns stuck in the fence. If you already have a fence that cows were previously in or woven wire that is too big you can always add a few strands of electric wire to deter the goats from going through the fence. Just starting out and looking for a temporary solution until you can build your permanent fence? Check out the link below for a great portable solution. (Fence in a Box)
What size place do we need for our goats?You don’t want to keep your goats in a dog lot. They need space to roam and graze in. Keeping your goats in a small confined space can cause parasite problems.
What type of shelter will they need?Your goats will need a dry enclosure that they can escape the elements in. You want something that is big enough to house all of your goats and allow them enough room to move around.
What should we feed them?Your goats will need access to fresh green grass or hay along with a clean and fresh supply of water. Your goats will also need a cup of goat feed per goat each day. You should also provide free choice of minerals and baking soda to your goats. (Goat Feed) (Goat Mineral)
What type of hay should we feed our goats?If hay is your goats only source of forage then you will want to make sure that you have good quality hay. At the very least ensure that your hay is not dusty or moldy. Alfalfa and Timothy are always good hay choices. Any type of horse quality hay will be great. If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t get your hands on good quality hay, you can always supplement with hay pellets. (Alfalfa Pellets)
Will we need to do anything to their hoofs?Yes, you will have to keep their hoofs trimmed with a pair of hoof shears periodically. It depends on your terrain as far as how often they will need to be trimmed. It’s always good practice to periodically check your goat's hoofs. (Hoof Shears) Watch the video below to get an idea of how to trim your goat's hooves.
Do we need to have them vaccinated against anything?Before you pick up your goat it will already be vaccinated with Clostridial Enterotoxaemia Protection (CDT). This protects your goats from an array of different diseases as well as tetanus. You will need to give them a CDT booster each year (Normally 2cc Under the Skin). Keep in mind that CDT vaccines must stay refrigerated. If you want your goats vaccinated against rabies you will need to contact your local vet to administer the vaccine. (CDT Vaccine) via=533884be9fa2600f000005da%2F533884c49fa2600f00000651%2F533884c49fa2600f00000660 (Needle Syringe Combo) Watch the video below to get an idea of how to vaccinate your goats.
Do we need to medicate them?Most of the time the only medication you will really be using is dewormer. You will need to deworm your goats when you notice they are not acting like their self or have scours. You can also pull down there eyelids to check for worms. If they are white then the goat is anemic and has worms, if they are pink they are good to go. The wormer we use is Cydectin Oral Drench for Sheep or you can also use Cydectin pour on for Cattle. If you goat has scours you should deworm ASAP. A goat with scours will quickly become dehydrated and go down hill fast! You will also need to give them electrolytes to rehydrate them. (Dewormer 1) (Dewormer 2 - Administer Orally 1mL per 22 Lbs.)
What should we do to prevent or treat Lice and Ticks?There are a few different routes when it comes to the prevention and treatment of ticks, fleas, and other insects. You can purchase a solution that you mix up and spray on the goats or you can purchase a pour on medication. You can also use dust to prevent and treat. Just follow the instructions listed on the bottle. (Dust) (Pour-On)
What do I need to do to protect my goats from predators?The best way to protect your goats from predators is to lock them up each night. Electric fences also aid in deterring away predators. If predators are a serious problem in your area, you might want to consider purchasing a guardian dog or llama.
What do we need to bring when coming to pick up our kids?You will need to bring a crate of some sort. Most people bring a large breed dog crate. You will also want to put some shavings or hay in the crate for them to lay on. If keeping the crate inside the vehicle, you might want to place a tarp underneath it in case the goats use the bathroom. If you are placing your crate in the back of truck then you will want to place a tarp or blanket around it to keep from the air blowing directly on the goats, especially in the winter time.
Can we give the goats treats?Sure. We give out goats loaf bread, watermelon, carrots, peeled bananas, and even pineapple. They also make treats for goats that you can purchase. With any of these treats you want to make sure that you are not giving them to them all the time. A goat can become sick if given to much of any type of treat.
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